ACM | Active Claims Management. Used to refer to claims once liability has been accepted. |
ADL’s | Activities of Daily Living such as toileting, transferring, dressing, preparing meals, and ability to manage finances. |
APS | Attending Physician Statement.Primary Care Physician |
BAS | Benefit Administration System—UNUM Provident’s payment computer payment system. |
BMB | Basic Monthly Benefit – BME x 60% or your contractual percentage. Gross Monthly Benefit |
BME | Basic Monthly Earnings –Pre-disability salary or prior year W-2 earnings. |
CCS | Customer Care Specialist |
Clmt | Claimant |
CMI | Current Monthly Income. Calculated generally by internal CPA’s as it relates to IDI claims. |
COFC | Continuity of Coverage provision in the policy. |
CXC | Current series of policies.Some are “Disability Solutions”, which means they contain additional specific provisions on which your claim may be denied. |
CPI | Consumer Price Index.Used to index your pre-disability earnings if you return to partial work. |
DBS | Disability Benefit Specialist |
DOD | Date of Disability |
Dx | Diagnosis |
EDOC | Effective Date of Coverage. The first date the claimant is eligible for benefits. |
EE | Employee |
EMSI | Out Sourced Agency who collectsmedical information. |
ER | Employer |
ERD | Expected Resolution Dates. |
ERISA | Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 |
FCE | Functional Capacities Evaluation. A medical form UNUM may provide to you to fill out. |
Genesis | Old Diary system on which the chronological record of your claim was kept. |
GENEX | GENEX Services, Inc. A wholly owned medical and vocational subsidiary of UNUMProvident. |
Hx | History, referring most often to medical history. |
IA | Independent Assessment—up to date term for IME |
IL | Initial Liability. Used to refer to a claim which is being reviewed. Payment decision is not yet made. |
Image | All paper is now scanned onto an electronic optical system called Image. This is where the administrative record is now kept. UNUM is moving toward a “paperless” claim environment. |
IME | Independent Medical Evaluation—old term, but used interchangeably with IA. |
Lab One | The new outsourced service used to obtain medical records. |
LDW | WLast day worked. |
LTD | Long Term Disability |
LWOP | Life Waiver of Premium. The first date you are eligible for a waiver of your life insurance premiums. |
MARB | MidAtlantic Regional Benefits.Old UNUM Life Regional Office Chicago |
M&N | Mental and Nervous provision of the policy limiting benefits to 12 or 24 months. Of interest is that the 24 months need not be consecutive. Twenty four months refers to a TOTAL of 24 months of paid benefits for the duration of the claim. |
MCR | Medical Claims Review. |
MDR | Multi Disciplinary Roundtables. |
MDR | Multi Disciplinary Roundtables.Attempts by management to identify potential claim denials by requiring the claims handlers to “present” claims to the business and risk management interests of the company. |
MUUP | Marked Up Unpaid Claim. This is an initial claim (IL) which has been input on “Agreement”, the data base system used to keep track of policies and policyholders. A marked up and unpaid claim is one which has been marked up on he BAS payment system, therefore, the insurance reserve has been realized. MUUP claims are assigned to a claims payer and are expected to be reviewed within 35 days which is a very unrealistic benchmark. |
NAVILINK | New Diary System on which the chronology of your claim is kept. Much less documentation than Genesis. |
NERB | Northeast Regional Benefits No longer exists. Old UNUM Life Regional Office. Portland ME |
NYRB | New York Regional Benefits.Tarrytown. No longer exists. Old UNUM Life Regional Office. |
OOW | Out of Work |
OSP | Office Staff Physician. Old acronym for UNUM Physician. Now, Provident calls the in-house physicians, Physician Consultants. |
PACE | Benefit payment system used for IDI claims. |
PC or TPC | Phone communication with the claimant. TPC refers to the initial phone interview with the claimant at the start of the claim, while PC is used for any other phone conversation with the insured. |
PMI | Prior Monthly Income. Acronym used primarily with IDI claims and is calculated by an internal CPA. |
PMSI | Out sourced service retained by UNUM to obtain all of your medical records. |
Pre-x | Pre-existing condition. Refers to policy provisions which relate to conditions of pre-existing conditions. |
RIMARE | Risk Management Resources. The old UNUM Life training manual thought by many to be a claims manual. |
R&L’s | Restrictions and Limitations. Medical information received from treating physicians should list or describe restrictions and limitations which would preclude work capacity. Restrictions are those activities the claimant may never do while limitations are those activities the claimant may do, but only as described by the physician. i.e. No driving, no exposure to stressful situations are examples of restrictions. No lifting > 10 lbs, no walking more than 10 minutes, alternate sitting and standing are examples of limitations. The purpose of UNUM’s medical review is generally to determine whether the R&L’s provide o UNUM are reasonable and preclude work capacity for the functional capacity given. |
RTR | RRoundtables referring to either Team or MDR Roundtable presentations. |
RTW | Return to Work. |
SHU | Shoo! Special Handling Unit in Chattanooga. Extended Duration Unit in other UNUM locations. |
SRB | Southern Regional Benefits Old UNUM Life Regional Office. Atlanta |
SS | Social Security |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Income—a reduction from benefits |
SSI | Social Security SupplementalIncome—for lower income claimants |
SSR | Social Security Retirement |
STD | Short Term Disability |
Supp | Supplemental Form. Medical form sent to the claimant for the physician to complete. |
Sx | Symptom |
TD | Totally Disabled. Used in the context of TD own occ or TD any occ. This means the claimant is totally disabled from performing the material and substantial duties of his/her own or any occupation. |
TDOO | Totally disabled from ownoccupation. |
Team RTR | Team Roundtable. Another presentation to Consultants, Medical, Vocational personnel to attempt to identify “quick hits” claim denials. |
TSA | Transferable Skills Analysis.2, 3, and 5 year partial or residual claims change from an own occupation definition to an any occupation definition after the mentioned time period. In order to prove the claimant is not TD any occupation, the claims handler will refer the claim to Vocational Specialists who in turn request GENEX to identify occupations the claimant could perform given their current R&L’s. Although the process appears rather elaborate on paper, the result is a best guess at what the claimant could do. Specific jobs are identified by the TSA. These occupations are then determined to be “gainful” or “not gainful” as identified by the provisions of the policy. A LMS may also be performed to further investigate whether the occupations identified by the TSA are available in the same geographical area as the claimant. The TSA and LMS process is totally “out of contract” and is defined by UNUM as the process used to investigate any occupation. |
Tx | Treatment |
WC | Worker’s Compensation—a reduction from benefits |
XL or XLL | UNUM Life Insurance Series Policies (Old) |