Leaving work because of a medical disability can have a tremendous physical and emotional impact on anyone. In fact, making the transition from working in a chosen career field to total or partial disability is a major life event that often requires knowledge of disability contracts and investigative claims processes. Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. is here to help.
As a company, Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways. Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict.
DCS, Inc. maintains excellent relationships with treating physicians and specialists who support patient disability. Insureds and claimants ultimately benefit from the teamwork of physicians, specialists, and employers, in combination with expert consultation and advice.
If you are interested in coming on board as a DCS client, or finding out more about Linda’s services available to you, please feel free to contact her using the information below.
Visitors are also welcome to view Lindanee’s Blog.
KEY SERVICES – Disability Claims
Initial Applications for Both ERISA and ISI Claims
Recommendations for Medical Reporting
Independent Medical Evaluations Counseling
Contract/Policy Review Audits
Objective vs. Subjective and Self-Reported Claims
Any Occupation Investigations
Residual Benefits and Return to Work Recommendations
Surveillance Counseling
Targeted Impairments – FMS, CFS, Lyme disease, HIV
Long-Term Care Claims
Management of Update Forms
Field Visit Preparation
Counseling for Work Hardening Programs
Linda Nee’s Blog
Where there are solutions, there are no problems.
Farewell To The Unum Facility in Portland, ME
Although I have been posting that Unum no longer has a centralized facility, I didn’t know until today that Unum’s main campus in Portland, ME is now the Berry Dunn buildiing. Those of you who have been to Portland, ME on outer Congress Street may have...
Divorce And Disability Claims
Unfortunately, the divorce rate for disabled insureds is greater than the 50% cumulative rate for couples in the United States.Those who are most vulnerable in our society are often left behind when non-disabled spouses fail to cope with their care-giving roles....
Hello? Hello? Is Anyone There? Happy Holiday.
Have you tried to reach your claims handler recently? It’s as though all claims specialists suddenly went DOA, or took a trip to East Gish somewhere. (East Gish is an imaginary place in Maine folklore.) “I’m going to find someone for...
DCS Greenhouse Downed By Wind Shear In Maine
Just wanted to post an announcement that this morning we had a 55 mph wind shear that completely demolished our 45 ft. greenhouse. The winds are still pretty bad and are expected to peak around 5pm this evening. DCS will be closed today, I don’t want power...
Complaints Won’t Get You What You Want
People who have been burned by a private disability company often become so angry that the eyes of revenge turn livid and efforts are made to “make the insurance company pay”, or “get them in trouble”, and even expose them to the press....
Summer Sun And Surveillance – Summer 2021
This is just a reminder that with better weather and a loosening of lockdowns, insurance surveillance is back on the insurance agenda. If you’ve had inquiries from your insurance company about verifying your address, chances are a surveillance is being planned....
Not sure where to begin? Fill out this short form and Linda will be in touch to discuss the details of your situation.