Leaving work because of a medical disability can have a tremendous physical and emotional impact on anyone. In fact, making the transition from working in a chosen career field to total or partial disability is a major life event that often requires knowledge of disability contracts and investigative claims processes. Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. is here to help.
As a company, Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways. Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict.
DCS, Inc. maintains excellent relationships with treating physicians and specialists who support patient disability. Insureds and claimants ultimately benefit from the teamwork of physicians, specialists, and employers, in combination with expert consultation and advice.
If you are interested in coming on board as a DCS client, or finding out more about Linda’s services available to you, please feel free to contact her using the information below.
Visitors are also welcome to view Lindanee’s Blog.
KEY SERVICES – Disability Claims
Initial Applications for Both ERISA and ISI Claims
Recommendations for Medical Reporting
Independent Medical Evaluations Counseling
Contract/Policy Review Audits
Objective vs. Subjective and Self-Reported Claims
Any Occupation Investigations
Residual Benefits and Return to Work Recommendations
Surveillance Counseling
Targeted Impairments – FMS, CFS, Lyme disease, HIV
Long-Term Care Claims
Management of Update Forms
Field Visit Preparation
Counseling for Work Hardening Programs
Linda Nee’s Blog
Where there are solutions, there are no problems.
Reminder – Hungry Vulture Year-End Profitability
We are within 6 weeks of year-end profitability and it is important for insureds and claimants to be aware of claim vulnerability until the end of December. Unum is already enforcing unreasonable deadlines even though the aftermath of COVID physician lockdowns is...
“Claimify” – The New “Lucens” Company Chasing SSDI Files
Apparently, Lucens, the third-party SSDI paper chaser has changed its name to Claimify and is sending out requests for signed SSA Authorizations to obtain financial data. This issue recently emerged as we approach year-end profitability tallies with Unum (and I assume...
Truth vs. Perception In Managing Disability Claims A Sunday Editorial By Linda Nee
When inureds ask me, “How can my insurance company deny me when my physician says I can’t work?”, I always think of the explanation of the difference between “truth and perception.” Disability insurance companies ALWAYS operate off of...
What To Put In the Record In Your Own Defense
I know there are a lot of insureds out there who seem to think they have to “do what they’re told” even when requests from their insurers are unreasonable and unfair. However, people should learn to draw the line somewhere and be able to...
News Updates
Forget About Timelines Insureds are still expecting Unum to respond in timely ways, when it’s obvious the company is too remotely disconnected without much leadership. I receive many emails from clients and non-clients alike expressing, “I haven’t...
Empower Yourselves For Future Success by Linda Nee
While I don’t think anyone would describe me as a feminist, I believe in the power of the individual to overcome life’s challenges and be able to control one’s path as free and independent persons. Unfortunately, the process of living...
Not sure where to begin? Fill out this short form and Linda will be in touch to discuss the details of your situation.