Leaving work because of a medical disability can have a tremendous physical and emotional impact on anyone. In fact, making the transition from working in a chosen career field to total or partial disability is a major life event that often requires knowledge of disability contracts and investigative claims processes. Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. is here to help.
As a company, Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways. Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict.
DCS, Inc. maintains excellent relationships with treating physicians and specialists who support patient disability. Insureds and claimants ultimately benefit from the teamwork of physicians, specialists, and employers, in combination with expert consultation and advice.
If you are interested in coming on board as a DCS client, or finding out more about Linda’s services available to you, please feel free to contact her using the information below.
Visitors are also welcome to view Lindanee’s Blog.
KEY SERVICES – Disability Claims
Initial Applications for Both ERISA and ISI Claims
Recommendations for Medical Reporting
Independent Medical Evaluations Counseling
Contract/Policy Review Audits
Objective vs. Subjective and Self-Reported Claims
Any Occupation Investigations
Residual Benefits and Return to Work Recommendations
Surveillance Counseling
Targeted Impairments – FMS, CFS, Lyme disease, HIV
Long-Term Care Claims
Management of Update Forms
Field Visit Preparation
Counseling for Work Hardening Programs
Linda Nee’s Blog
Where there are solutions, there are no problems.
December DCS Report Newsletter
December’s DCS Report will focus on SSDI, SSI, offsets and repayments. For those readers still not subscribed, you may process your $25 yearly fee using Pay Pal and my email address: Happy Holiday!
2019 DCS Update
Wow! This year seemed to go by really fast. It’s time for DCS, Inc’s statistical and activities update. Lindanee’s Blog has 215 subscribed site members and 225 members for Comments. there are 2,179 articles in 183 categories. DCS receives on average...
Unum Thanksgiving Checks May Be Late
This is just a reminder that Unum’s checks are usually late around the holidays. Unum staff celebrates both Thursday and Friday as holidays so information that’s due won’t be seen or processed until the Monday after Thanksgiving. Not having checks...
Only Physicians Can Take An Insured Out Of Work
This is an issue primarily for those with IDI policies such as doctors, dentists, surgeons and highly paid executives. There seems to be a misconception among these insureds that they can decrease their hours, stop doing certain procedures, sell their businesses, and...
“I don’t get it…………”
Yesterday I was speaking to a DCS caller about a claim situation in which Unum denied her claim twice, finally overturning the appeal and paying the claim “because she was awarded SSDI.” In the course of the conversation, I inquired about why this claimant...
What Everyone Should Know About ERISA Appeals – Part III
WHAT IS AN APPEAL? An appeal is a claims process whereby insurers are asked to review their previous denial decisions to determine if the original denials were correct. Through supplementation of the Administrative Record or claim file insureds and claimants have...
Not sure where to begin? Fill out this short form and Linda will be in touch to discuss the details of your situation.