More requests for denied claims have been made by insureds who are desperately looking for information on how to handle a disability claim denial. As I’ve indicated so many times on this Blog, I can do nothing to help you AFTER a claim denial has been made.
Although I don’t get the logic of waiting to contact me until your claim is denied, and I admit I don’t understand it, the fact remains the same. At least not officially, I can’t represent anyone before an insurance company for an appeal. According to ERISA I CAN assist a claimant with an ERISA appeal, but in the State of Maine where my licensing is, I cannot represent anyone before the insurance company, and clearly I cannot negotiate any settlement that may result from an appeal.
Therefore, it does no good at all to contact me when your claim is already denied. At that point, you need to contact an attorney who will charge you outrageous fees to do the appeal, and most likely will not be successful.
I have been in contact with my attorney friends who are telling me insurers rarely overturn a denial decision now. I stand by my my statement that “THE BEST APPEAL IN THE WORLD IS TO NOT HAVE A DENIAL IN THE FIRST PLACE.” It seems as though people don’t listen though. While I could be helping insureds build a solid “proof of claim” administrative record, the insurance company is actively “stacking the deck” to deny claims. It does not make sense to me when Consultant services are much cheaper than attorney fees, and we are so much more effective in avoiding denials than attorneys ever were. (I’m being blunt here because people just aren’t listening, and they do need to listen.)
I would also like to mention here that I AM NOT RETIRED. I stopped writing my regular articles because after nearly 3,000 articles on Lindanee’s Blog alone, I ran out of things to say. Good heavens, insurance companies are worse than they’ve ever been, so that even if I wanted to retire this would be the worst possible time to do so. There are still so many people who need help, NOPE, I’m not retiring.
Also, I do not do SSDI, so please don’t contact me if you are looking for information only for SSDI. I recommend that you contact a local SSDI attorney who will help you on contingency.
Please call if you need help and leave message. Tel: 207-793-4593 Email:
Thank you. And, best of luck to all of you.