Happy New Year!
As part of the new updates planned for DCS in 2022, I plan to update my Disability Claims Solutions website located at:
http://www.disabilityclaimssolutions.com to include the library of authored articles I’ve written over the last 25 years. It is hoped the DCS website will become the central “go to” location for additional information concerning the management of disability claims. I also have all of my old Newsletters from 2005 to present and will add those to the site as well.
Hopefully, the website will become a pivotal point of interest for those looking for additional information. The site has not been updated yet, but work will begin immediately to make the improvements.Please check the website on a regular basis for information that will be periodically added.
DCS, Inc. has been in operation since the year 2001. If I include my 9 years of experience with Unum Life, UNUMProvident, and Unum Group, I’ve been managing claims for nearly 30 years. DCS achieved a successful benefit year with a maximum clientele of 120 insureds averaged over the year.
Lindanee’s Blog remained very popular with approximately 1.3M total views. Therefore, a 98% success rate will continue into 2022 since the company only experienced 2 denials in 2021. In 2021, DCS helped manage in excess of $4M dollars in financial reserves, and will continue to work with attorneys and their clients for appeal purposes. I look forward to a very successful 2022!
I would like to add a special thank you to my readers who sent me emails of thanks for Lindanee’s Blog, and/or answering questions of concern over the phone. I was very glad to be of assistance, and encourage people to continue to contact me if they need help.
Another special thank you also goes out to my clients for their continued support and encouragement, particularly when my husband had a stroke this year. There is nothing that can replace the support I received from my clients during this very difficult time. Thank you.
Therefore, I am very grateful for the opportunity of assisting insureds and claimants for so many years. DCS, Inc. is alive and well. I look forward to meeting and working with many new people in 2022. Please visit the new website in a month or so, and continue to check in when you can. Best wishes in the coming new year.