Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds across the USA with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways.
Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict. Call Linda Today!

Disability Claims Solutions

Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds across the USA with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways.
Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict. Call Linda Today!

Neurology, Unum Group, And Migraine Claims

Lately, the scuttlebutt among legal and consulting circles is that Unum is out of control – again. Personally, I don’t think it’s just Unum, I am of the opinion that all insurers have left the realm of file review sanity. Still, reports of Unum...

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Reliance Standard’s Falsehood Agenda

Like most business dealings there are  rules which dictate “fair and honest dealings between parties. Although some might think the disability insurance industry doesn’t have any rules, that’s simply not true. ERISA reviews are held to standards of...

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Pain – An Ongoing Problem That Hurts

Pain. Although most of us endure the occasional aches and pains of tension headaches, bumps, thumps, bruises, strains and sprains, there are many others who suffer daily chronic pain, which cannot be lessened with over-the-counter remedies such as Tylenol or Advil....

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SSDI And Private Disability Insurance Two Different Things

It never ceases to amaze me what insurance companies can come up with to coerce claimants to give up their SSDI files. And, unfortunately, claimants believe what they are told, and do as they are commanded, sometimes to their own demise. First of all, let me say that...

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End of 3rd Qtr. Profitability – 30 September

Most of my readers here know that I usually remind everyone of insurance “profitability” time periods to be aware of, but some may not realize why I do that, or what it means. September 30 is the end of the third Quarter, and insurers have been targeting...

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Mental Illness And Disability Claims

Although most Plans and policies do cover depression and anxiety and mental illness, over time, insurers have developed strategies perceived as prejudicial and biased in order to deny claims after only 24 months of benefits. To ensure deniability, insurers further...

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Independent Medical Evaluations

Now that all insurers are engaging in questionable claims practices, it’s time to remind readers of “best practices” for Independent Medical Evaluations. IMEs are perhaps the number one source of profit risk management. Therefore, it’s time to...

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Reliance Standard’s Egregious Claims Practices

Apparently, Reliance Standard is targeting claims with associated mental health issues in order to deny them after 24 months of benefits. This is not the first time insurance companies have tried this particular unfair claims practice, as evidenced by the Multi-State...

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“Indexing” May Save Your ERISA Claim

“Indexing” in ERISA Plans has always been a source of confusion especially when it is confused with Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) provisions. In fact, “indexing” is only used on two occasions in Group ERISA Plans. 1) “Indexing”...

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Neck ,Back, Chronic Pain and Migraine Disabilities

While cardiovascular disease remains the number one claimed disability in America, neck and back claims come in a close second. Number three is migraine headache. Although one might think a “back or neck” claim would be easy to support because of the...

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The Most Egregious SSDI Scam Used By Insurers

Most claimants are totally unaware their ERISA Plans enter them into a stacked-deck game of Texas Hold’em they eventually cannot not win. Claimants believe their STD/LTD Plans are benefits paid for by employers that make up a sizable portion of their well-earned...

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You Can’t Nail Jello To The Wall

I’m not quite sure why insureds continue to defend their claims with inadequate proof of claim, or medical information that does not specifically cite restrictions and limitations. I realize that I may not reach all insureds with my articles, but I must have...

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The Truth About Insurance Surveillance

I just finished updating one of my articles called, “The Truth About Insurance Surveillance.” I am happy to send my 13 page document to readers with a donation of any amount from my website:   http://www.disabilityclaimssolutions.com   Clients may...

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Medical Wrong-Thinking About Your Claim

I know I must be sounding like a “broken record” when it comes to articles about providing good, solid, medical proof of claim. But, I’m seeing, and hearing about more and more denials from insurance companies citing lack of medical information, or,...

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When Your Doctor Won’t Certify Disability

There seems to be an outbreak of treating physicians who refuse to write medical restrictions and limitations, or are reluctant to say someone is “permanently disabled.” My impression is that physicians have become reluctant to be involved in disability...

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Ignoring Good Advice May Be Costly

I have to admit I have no idea why some people retain my services and then ignore what I tell them. It’s just something that seems inherent to my profession, and although I feel sorry for the eventual denials that come back to me, there is nothing I can do if...

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