Leaving work because of a medical disability can have a tremendous physical and emotional impact on anyone. In fact, making the transition from working in a chosen career field to total or partial disability is a major life event that often requires knowledge of disability contracts and investigative claims processes. Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. is here to help.
As a company, Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways. Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict.
DCS, Inc. maintains excellent relationships with treating physicians and specialists who support patient disability. Insureds and claimants ultimately benefit from the teamwork of physicians, specialists, and employers, in combination with expert consultation and advice.
If you are interested in coming on board as a DCS client, or finding out more about Linda’s services available to you, please feel free to contact her using the information below.
Visitors are also welcome to view Lindanee’s Blog.
KEY SERVICES – Disability Claims
Initial Applications for Both ERISA and ISI Claims
Recommendations for Medical Reporting
Independent Medical Evaluations Counseling
Contract/Policy Review Audits
Objective vs. Subjective and Self-Reported Claims
Any Occupation Investigations
Residual Benefits and Return to Work Recommendations
Surveillance Counseling
Targeted Impairments – FMS, CFS, Lyme disease, HIV
Long-Term Care Claims
Management of Update Forms
Field Visit Preparation
Counseling for Work Hardening Programs
Linda Nee’s Blog
Where there are solutions, there are no problems.
Where Do We Go From Here? Take The High Road To Success!
There are now 2185 posts in 184 categories on Lindanee’s Blog. DCS, Inc. has 216 followers for the blog, and 226 for comments. On an average day 1,000 articles are read. I think it’s fair to say that nearly every topic connected with disability claims has now been...
“Where The Heck Did You Get That From? An Editorial by Linda Nee
So many insureds with disability claims are pulling Plans and policies from aging boxes in their attics and are attempting to make sense of what they say. Unfortunately, insurance policies have never been known to be “self-explanatory” and therefore there...
Ending 2019 On A Positive Note
Here we are within a week or so of a new year. I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone the best of holidays and a Merry Christmas! Although it is very hard at times to keep focused on the positive when it comes to disability claims, the truth is that...
Unum Managers Coax Others To Send Nasty Messages Through DCS Website
Today I received four nasty, personally attacking consultation messages through the website from Andrew Paladino, Mike Murphy, Gary Bryan and Jenny Feeley. I really have no idea who these people are since I haven’t worked for Unum in over 20 years and doubt very...
“What Am I Doing Wrong?” Truthfully? OK, Here It Is!
There are literally thousands of disabled insureds who wake up each morning with stress pains in the pit of their stomachs. The uncomfortableness continues the entire day, reaching a crescendo in late afternoon until the insured either picks up the phone to reach the...
“Red Flags” And More Red Flags And Red Flags Again
All insurance companies pinpoint criteria in claims they feel is “suspicious”. Therefore, I thought it a good idea to be clear about situations that cause insurers to off the deep end.Authori Alteration and/or white out appears on the claim...
Not sure where to begin? Fill out this short form and Linda will be in touch to discuss the details of your situation.