Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds across the USA with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways.
Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict. Call Linda Today!

Disability Claims Solutions

Disability Claims Solutions, Inc. provides insureds across the USA with resources to make better decisions concerning ERISA Group STD/LTD claims, as well as Individual Disability Income benefits and Long-Term Care. Having the opportunity to work with an expert consultant, such as Linda Nee, provides insureds with valuable procedural options to work through problematic issues in successful ways.
Our focus is to resolve problems, not wrestle with conflict. Call Linda Today!

COVID-19 Updates – 5/8/2020

Flu bugInsurers Back On Deadlines

In the last week or so it is evident that most insurers are back to their normal practices of harassing insureds to meet deadlines when in some states it remains impossible to do so. DCS recommends downloading treating physician’s website page notifications that have posted lock-down instructions and sending them to the claims handlers for the record. The Hartford recently tried to schedule an IME in a State mandated lock-down, and Unum is harassing insureds with phone calls reminding of paperwork due.

You can’t provide what you can’t obtain. Let these companies know in writing what your physicians are doing and why you can’t meet deadlines. The Hartford was more than willing to reschedule the IME to a later date, but Unum’s reps aren’t so willing to cooperate with lock-down states.

Avoid Phone Conversations With Insurers

This is definitely not the time to share your medical or personal information with an insurance claims handler. Prolonged isolation may encourage insureds to “talk” more than they should with claims specialists. It is not a good idea to do so. As my readers are well aware, DCS does NOT recommend any sharing of information to any insurance company on the phone.

Insureds still have a responsibility to provide information, but insureds can request all communications be provided to them in writing only. I’m finding that some claims handlers are taking advantage of insureds by initiating conversations about activities and personal life that have nothing to do with claims.

Be wise, and request all communications in writing. Recognize your vulnerability likely spurned by isolation to talk more than you should about what’s going on in your life. Insurance companies are not above talking advantage of you at this time.

2nd Qtr. Profitability Results – June 30, 2020

Please be aware that insurance companies are gearing up to deny claims as the end of 2nd Qtr. profitability results is quickly approaching. This means claims handlers working from home will have plenty of time to schedule field visits, IMEs, and send out multiple requests via questionnaires etc. Insurers may be looking to recap lost 1st Qtr. profitability from COVID-19 losses at the end of March.

This is a time to be vigilant, aware, and smart.

COVID Vulnerability Sends Insureds Rushing to Attorneys Who Offer No Help

Most of my readers know that I am often not supportive of attorneys who take advantage of claimants and insureds by telling them, “I won’t manage your claim, but come back and see me when your claim gets denied.” Grrrr…….

Come on now. Who really wants a denied claim? The help insureds desperately need is that which will assist them in supporting claims so that claims are well documented medically, and with a preponderance of medical “proof of claim” to make claims very difficult to deny.

All insureds really want is to receive their benefits, not wind up in court on an endless trail of attorney fees (to age 65) and a path of financial uncertainty.

Please be careful to not allow your fear about a disability claim during these very difficult times drive you to the offices of attorneys who won’t help you when the claim is still paid, but offer assistance when claims are denied. No one, and I really mean no one, should want a denial, or a claim in court.

The most certain successful appeal for a disability claim is to avoid one in the first place.

Subscription DCS Report

I haven’t written the DCS Report because I do not want to have my newsletters exclusively about COVID-19. I feel that insureds are probably fed-up with the subject and are looking to read something else – perhaps uplifting and encouraging.

But, have no fear. I will make sure my subscribers receive 12 issues of the newsletters they subscribed to; and, will publish the newsletters when I can think of topics aside from COVID-19 that provide more of an uplifting subject matter in these difficult times. Anyone who has any suggestions of an uplifting nature or subject matter, please feel free to send it to me for the next newsletter. I’m open to ideas along that line.

Although COVID-19 updates are important to insureds (as I write on this blog), I don’t feel as though dwelling on it is the right thing to do, such as in a newsletter. But, we’ll get there!


